Enhanced precision kits for highly multiplexed quantitative proteomics
MRM Proteomics Inc. offers an extensive line of bioassay kits that enable users to perform protein quantitation using their own in-house LC-MS/MS instrumentation. Our complementary line of quality control products will help to ensure that your proteomics workflow and instrumentation is up to standard for every sample you analyze.
PeptiQuant™ Kits are optimized for their performance with specific mass spectrometry instruments and sample types. View the kits available for your instrument here.
We understand the importance of accurate and reproducible quantitation. Our easy-to-use PeptiQuant™ Plus kits employ the same rigorous multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry (MS) approach as our PeptiQuant™ services.


Our largest protein panel yet. Simultaneously quantify 125 proteins from a single plasma sample!

Rigorous MRM-MS quantitation strategy using paired heavy/light peptide standards for every targeted protein

Robust and precise measurements even at low abundance

Assays characterized according to Tier II CPTAC guidelines

Covers proteins associated with cancer, CVD, and other diseases

A complete turnkey solution for quantitative proteomics

By LeBlanc, A., Michaud, S.A., Percy, A.J., Hardie, D.B., Yang, J., Sinclair, N.J., Proudfoot, J.I., Pistawka, A., Smith, D.S. and Borchers, C.H.
Multiplexed MRM-based Protein Quantitation Using Two Different Stable Isotope Labeled Peptides for Calibration.
Oct 01 2016
By Percy AJ, Hardie DB, Jardim A, Yang J, Elliott MH, Zhang S, Mohammed Y, Borchers CH.
Multiplexed panel of precisely quantified salivary proteins for biomarker assessment.
Nov 01 2016
By Percy AJ, Michaud SA, Jardim A, Sinclair NJ, Zhang S, Mohammed Y, Palmer AL, Hardie DB, Yang J, LeBlanc AM, Borchers CH.
Multiplexed MRM?based assays for the quantitation of proteins in mouse plasma and heart tissue.
By Hirtz, Christophe, Jérôme Vialaret, Nora Nowak, Audrey Gabelle, Dominique Deville de Périère, and Sylvain Lehmann
Absolute quantification of 35 plasma biomarkers in human saliva using targeted MS.
By Chu CS, Miller CA, Gieschen A, Fischer SM.
Pathway-Informed Discovery and Targeted Proteomic Workflows Using Mass Spectrometry.
Dec 01 2016
By Mohammed Y, Bhowmick P, Smith DS, Domanski D, Jackson AM, Michaud SA, Malchow S, Percy AJ, Chambers AG, Palmer A, Zhang S.
PeptideTracker: A knowledge base for collecting and storing information on protein concentrations in biological tissues.
Dec 01 2016
By Percy AJ, Yang J, Chambers AG, Mohammed Y, Miliotis T, Borchers CH.
Protocol for Standardizing High-to-Moderate Abundance Protein Biomarker Assessments Through an MRM-with-Standard-Peptides Quantitative Approach.
Sep 2016
By Percy AJ, Tamura-Wells J, Albar JP, Aloria K, Amirkhani A, Araujo GD, Arizmendi JM, Blanco FJ, Canals F, Cho JY, Colomé-Calls N.
Inter-laboratory evaluation of instrument platforms and experimental workflows for quantitative accuracy and reproducibility assessment.
By Percy, Andrew J., Yassene Mohammed, Juncong Yang, and Christoph H. Borchers.
A standardized kit for automated quantitative assessment of candidate protein biomarkers in human plasma.
Read more about what makes our technology unique.
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Targeted mass spectrometry assays were characterized at the UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre according to the National Cancer Institute’s Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) assay characterization guidelines (https://assays.cancer.gov/guidance-document). Initial characterization data (produced in a human plasma matrix), can be viewed on the CPTAC Assay Portal (https://assays.cancer.gov). Note: Specific kits may use a different type of matrix from the human plasma that was used to generate the CPTAC fit-for-purpose characterization data, and thus assay performance from this kit may vary from that reported on the CPTAC Assay Portal. The CPTAC assay characterization guidance documents were developed as a direct outcome of a workshop (Carr et al., Mol Cell Proteomics 2014; PMID 24443746) sponsored by the CPTAC program.